Title: | "ISOLATION NR.1, NR.2, NR.3, NR.4, NR.5 AND NR.6. | Created: | 1980. | Material: | Photo collages on cardboard. | Size: | A4. | The series "Isolation" covers many conceivable facets of our life concerning interpersonal relations, contrast between nature - technology, environmental pollution problems, opposing natural powers and their utilization for man, the human isolation from his/her surroundings, possible ways of integration. "ISOLATION" deals with opposing phenomena like warmth - coldness, single - mass, loneliness - security, darkness - light, construction - decay, perfectionism of technology - untouched nature etc. The series of the subject "ISOLATION" contains: Isolation 1: Technology/environmental protection; Isolation 2: Insects/environmental protection; Isolation 3: Mammals, birds/environment; Isolation 4: Unspoilt nature/destruction; Isolation 5: Woman/Man and environment; Isolation 6: Natural elements/exploitation/environmental protection. |