JABRO With Kids and Doll

Free Art Gift
For the right people

In 1990 J.A.BRO. created her "Crying Afghanistan - Baby". Please view photo collages below and @ www.JabroArt.com, section " J.A.BRO Artist Dolls" and "Free Art Gift" printed 1990 for the J.A.BRO. PR pamphlet. In 2001, some weeks before 11.09.2001, J.A.BRO. saw a report about the suffering of Afghanistan children in camps and elsewhere due to war, lasting for generations. The suffering of these little kids and the horrific tragedy of Sept. 11 has shattered us deeply. So it was decided to donate "Crying Afghanistan - Baby" and its copyright to Afghanistans' suffering kids and 3 J.A.BRO. artworks for the victims of September 11. An enthusiastic team of genuine, successful business people will be needed to produce this mentioned unique J.A.BRO. artist doll in high quality and sell it worldwide with a lot of profit for the welfare of Afghanistans' needy kids! You may be/are the right person(s) or perhaps know about somebody who is prepared to sponsor/finance the production of this acute J.A.BRO. artist doll. Just let us know @ our contact page: "Send E-mail". Thank you so much for your time.
Have always a great day and a good night's sleep. Cheers, J.A.BRO.


J.A.BRO'S ARTIST DOLL, TYPE 5, ©1990, "Crying Afghanistan Baby" MATERIAL: Liquid wood, eyes hand-painted. © J.A.BRO. BODY: 5 joints, boy. © J.A.BRO.

WIG: Black human hair. © J.A.BRO.

CLOTHES: 1 shirt, blue blanket© J.A.BRO.

SIZE: Ca. 58cm-60cm.

RECOMMENDED EDITION I: Porcelain, collectors edition, certificate.

RECOMMENDED EDITION II: Any other material in different sizes, one-two-and three dimensional. No production limit.

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