Title: | "Blessed To Be A Human?" 1976/1977, J.A.BRO, ©. (Representation of highly glossed "China-porcelain" bath-doll, ca. 1880, and portrait of the artist at the age of three years. The lily is sometimes found on JABRO’S “Graphicpaintings”, ©, meaning INNOCENCE, as with the paintings’ topic from the Middle Ages.) (#*) | Created: | December 1976/January 1977. | Material: | Primacryl on cardboard on hardboard. Antique frame. | Size: | 55.5 X 66.5cm. | (JABRO’S symbolic "Graphicpaintings", ©, are based on her invented "Contrast-Pairs", ©, in different means and sense, symbolised by any figuration with objects, which are principally "reaching out of the given borders", ©, mainly as framed "paintings in painting", ©, or “pictures in picture”, ©.) |