Title: | "Mother And Child In Carry-Nest", 1975. (Antique dolls ca.1860 & 1910) J.A.BRO. © (#*) | Created: | September 1975. | Material: | Aquatec on primed hardboard. | Size: | About 50 x 58 cm, antique wood frame, "Art Deco", hand-carved. | (More information @ www.JABROART.com, navigation bar’s section “Home Page” and "JABRO’S Graphicpaintings", thumbnail first row, second from left to right, titled, “An Ideal World Of The Past?” 1976, ©, as well fourth row, fifth "Graphicpainting", titled "Lady Doll – Dragon Fly – Moth – and OTHER DAMAGES”, 1975, ©, also JABRO’S "Graphicpainting", titled "Pierrot and Pierrette", 1975. JABRO copyright.) |