JABRO With Kids and Doll

"I Am The Bear Yellowy - Who Are You?"

The most beautiful season-book for you and me, for young and old:

Front cover of the beautiful Photo-Picture Book "I Am The Bear Yellowy - Who Are You?"


Note: Publisher/Licenceholder/Film-maker wanted now for this beautiful book project.

Title:"I AM THE BEAR YELLOWY - WHO ARE YOU?" Future bestseller. © J.A.BRO.
SIZE:35cm X 24.5cm or 30cm X 20.5cm and smaller sizes.
SLIDES:24cm X 36mm. One bestseller calendar was made with high quality J.A.BRO slides.
EDITION I:500 000 copies are recommended, or more.
EDITION II:1000 000 copies are recommended, or more.
The bear pair "Yellowy" and "Whitey" may be marketed in full, as well as all other characters connected with this book.
The art-photo book "I Am The Bear Yellowy - Who Are You?" made by J.A.BRO 1987/88, "For Children From 1 year to 100 Years" contains like "La Belle's Great Wish", artistically built photo motives. It offers "Three Books In One Book For The Price Of One" The first book contains the emotional story of an antique toy bear representing a disabled child who feels rejected. This story has luckily a happy ending by telling step for step how the positive integration of the outsider into the group of the others happened. The happily done integration leads seamlessly to the story of the second book which shows in beautiful and pedagogically valuable scene arrangements the never ending reign of life & death represented by the four seasons of HOPE in Springtime, RIPE in Summer, HARVEST in Autumn and SLEEP in winter.

The third book (84 pages, cover included) is giving in lively scene arrangements information for interested small & tall antique toy bear collectors about all important facts of the items manufactured partly before 1908. The whole book is created by J.A.BRO alone by using for the story antique toys out of her own collections. These facts are a big advantage in view of purchasing the art-photo original book, the color original transparencies of ca. 131, and certainly the copyright of all which can be used for full marketing of the unique & beautiful toy-bear story in one-two-and three dimensionality. This book and all the other beautiful children books by J.A.BRO would give great opportunities for full marketing, including funny, adventurous and pedagogically valuable, meaningful TV series of five, 10 minutes or more. The main characters of J.A.BRO'S children books may give the basis for cartoon series in magazines and TV too.

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